We at AOI Pro. Inc., a company engaged primarily in the planning and production of film and video content, declare that we shall treat all private information provided to us in an appropriate manner in compliance with relevant laws and regulations. In order to be in strict compliance, AOI Pro. officers as well as employees are obligated to stringently adhere to our management system for personal information.

1. Protection and Management of Personal Information and Compliance with Law

We shall comply with all laws and regulations, governmental decrees, and other conventional standards to safeguard personal information provided to us.

2. Obtaining and Use of Personal Information

We shall obtain and use personal information for the purposes expressed and legitimated only. If your private information is required to be disclosed to a third party, we will give you prior notice as to the reason for and the recipient of the disclosure.

3. Disclosure and Corrections of Information

If you request the retrieval of any personal information which you have provided to us, we will promptly comply with your request after confirming your identity. If there are any inaccuracies in your information, we will promptly make the appropriate corrections.

4. Security Measures

We have implemented appropriate safeguards to our information protection and control system in order to prevent any loss or damage of information resulting from fraudulent access to and other mishandling of the personal information.

5. Safeguarding Information Provided to External Parties

Should we be required to disclose the personal information to external parties, we maintain appropriate oversight to ensure that such parties use your personal information in accordance with the terms of our rules based on this Privacy Policy.

6. Crisis Preparedness

In the event of an inappropriate disclosure of your personal information, we will immediately assess the situation and handle the occurrence promptly with responsive measures. We have also installed a "crisis management hotline" that will enable us to take quick action. If you have any questions or issues in regards to our procedures and protocols, please contact us via General Inquiries Form.

7. Continuous Improvements

We shall continuously monitor, review and improve our management system appropriately in order to allow us to adapt to any changes of circumstances.

This policy was enacted on April 1, 2007
This policy was last modified on November 1, 2024
AOI Pro. Inc.
Yusaku Tanaka, Representative Director & President

Handling of Personal Information (AOI Pro.'s Public Statement based on Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Japan))

1. Purposes for Obtaining and Using Personal Information

AOI Pro. shall handle the personal information of its customers, business partners, and employees within the scope necessary to communicate with them in the course of business operations and to achieve the following purposes of use, and shall not handle personal information for purposes beyond that scope. We shall obtain consent from individuals when handling their personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use, except as otherwise provided by the Act on the Protection of Personal Information or other laws and regulations.

  1. Personal Information Pertaining to the Business Operations of AOI Pro.
    We, AOI Pro. Inc., will collect and retain the personal information of our business partners (such as on-air talent, production staff members, and clients) in order to be able to communicate with them with regard to production work on TV commercials, movies, and other content. Furthermore, we shall collect and retain customers’ personal information for purposes such as holding seminars.
  2. Personal Information Pertaining to Employment Activities
    We will collect and retain the personal information of job applicants for the purpose of employment screenings and hiring procedures. Please note that all documents submitted will not be returned, regardless of whether or not an applicant is hired.
  3. Personal Information of Employees and Other Individuals
    We will collect and retain the personal information of employees and other individuals for purposes such as personnel and labor management, security management, health management, as well as various procedures including payroll and payment, social insurance-related matters, and employee benefits.

2. Circumstances When Your Information May Be Disclosed To Third Parties

AOI Pro. shall not provide or disclose personal information to third parties, except in cases where the consent of the individual has been obtained, or in one of the following cases.

  1. Cases in which the handling of personal information is based on legal requirements.
  2. Cases in which the handling of personal information is necessary for the protection of the life, body, or property of an individual and in which it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person.
  3. Cases in which the handling of personal information is especially necessary for improving public hygiene or promoting the sound growth of children and in which it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person.
  4. Cases in which the handling of personal information is necessary for cooperating with a state institution, a local public body, or an individual or entity entrusted by one in executing the operations prescribed by laws and in which obtaining the consent of the person might impede the execution of the operations concerned.

3. Outsourcing to Third Parties

If we need to provide personal information to third parties for outsourcing, we will independently and continuously evaluate and oversee whether such third parties meet the standards of protection of personal information which AOI Pro. requires.
Note that because we outsource operations such as payment services to our parent company, KANAMEL Inc., we will provide information to said company, such as the names of business partners, company names, contact information, and account information, to the extent necessary for the outsourced operations.

4. How Personal Information Is Managed

We have assigned a manager to be in charge of personal information protection in order to ensure proper handling of personal information. Our Chief Privacy Officer is Hirotaka Ogata.

5. Procedures to Disclose, Amend, or Delete Personal Information

We are committed to be responsive to your requests regarding your private information in compliance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information. You can request to be notified regarding the purpose of use of your information, disclosure of your information as well as amendments, additions, or deletions thereto, and termination of use or disclosure to third parties.

*Purpose of Use of Personal Information Obtained in the Course of Disclosure Request Procedures
We shall only use personal information obtained in the course of disclosure request procedures, etc. within the scope necessary for such procedures, including identity verification, and only within our company.

6. Publically Available Information

You may be notified from time to time that we will be obtaining your personal information from publically available sources, such as directories, in order for us to conduct our operations.

Contact for Inquiries:

AOI Pro. Inc.
Corporate Dept.
3-18-12, Kaigan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0022, Japan