AOI Pro. Appoints Hajime Ushioda as President
October 17, 2018
Tokyo – AOI Pro. has announced that Managing Officer and Vice President Hajime Ushioda will assume the post of President on January 1, 2019. Current Executive Officer and President Yasuhito Nakae, who concurrently is and will continue to be President at AOI TYO Holdings, will become a Managing Officer at AOI Pro. on January 1, 2019. He plans to resign from his position Managing Officer of AOI Pro. upon completion of his term in March 2019.
Hajime Ushioda joined AOI Pro. in 1996. Since 2001 as a Producer, he has produced numerous commercial films for companies including Nissan Motor, Coca-Cola, Nike, Kao, Otsuka Pharmaceutical, adidas, Häagen-Dazs, and Mercedes-Benz.
He has received numerous awards both in Japan and abroad, such as the Film Grand Prix (2013) and Marketing Effectiveness Grand Prix (2015) at the ACC CM Festival, Japan’s most prestigious advertising award, as well as the Outstanding Award at the Dentsu Advertising Awards, Silver at Spikes Asia, Silver at ADFEST, Silver at the ADC Annual Awards in New York, and Silver at the London International Awards.
Continuing his career at AOI Pro., he became a Corporate Officer and General Manager in 2009, a Managing Officer in 2012, and was appointed to the post of Vice President in 2017. He has worked as an Executive General Manager for various departments including Production Departments and the Planning & Directing Department as well as for the group’s overseas businesses. In recent years, he has succeeded to grow the AOI Pro. Group by the acquisition of major film production companies in Malaysia and Vietnam.
His enormous Japanese and international business experience as well as his vast knowledge of the video advertisement production business will be paramount to the continued growth of the AOI Pro. Group both domestically and in global markets.
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